Games boxing

(8 games) - page 1 -

free game Mini duels battle Mini duels battle

games > boxing

Enter a world full of diverse mini-games where_ you can play alone or with friends. You can choose whether to play basketball, boxing, duels... This is an exciting game where_ you can choose your favourite to compete with your friends. The first to reach five points secures victory over his opponent. With a total of 16 games to choose from_, the fun is unlimited.

free game Ragdoll fighter Ragdoll fighter

games > boxing

In this game you will be a professional boxer who will have to run against the opponent to start hitting him and try to get the maximum life before he does it to knock him out. You can take the weapons that are on the ground to help you attack with more force. If you take his life and knock him out, you can move on to the next level. Each opponent will be more difficult than the last.

free game Fighter manager Fighter manager

games > boxing

Take the money that is around the course to win and then buy fighters so you can have a fight at the end of the course with all the bought fighters. Choose who will fight who to try to beat most of them and get through the tournament round to win the cup and go to different championships.

free game Drunken boxing ultimate Drunken boxing ultimate

games > boxing

Finish your opponent to win more rounds and win the game. Can be played with 2 players at the same time

free game Squid fighter Squid fighter

games > boxing

Knock out the enemy before he does or you will lose.

free game Grips 2 Grips 2

games > boxing

Score more points than your opponent by punching the dummy. But if you hit the human, you will lose a lot of points.

free game Boxing Boxing

games > boxing

Knock out your opponent before he does to win 5 rounds.

free game Boxing Boxing

games > boxing

Try to punch your opponent as many times as you can before he does it to you and bage you all your life. You can play with your friends on the same screen.

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