Games hidden treasures

(5 games) - page 1 -

free game Pirate girls treasure hunting Pirate girls treasure hunting

games > hidden treasures

Help the pirates to dress up with different dresses, swords, hats and boots and then help them to find all the hidden treasures in the sea. Move them around using the magnifying glass. If you pass over one of them you can see it inside the magnifying glass.

free game The Little Shop of Hidden Treasures The Little Shop of Hidden Treasures

games > hidden treasures

There is a street full of small shops with lots of hidden treasures, can you find them all before the time runs out?

free game The pirate chest The pirate chest

games > hidden treasures

What pirates like most is to find hidden treasures and for that you must talk to the locals and do what they ask you to do to get to the chest.

free game Pirate Coins Pirate Coins

games > hidden treasures

In this game you will be the captain of a pirate ship that must cross the caribbean sea collecting coins and hidden treasures.

free game Lost inca prophecy Lost inca prophecy

games > hidden treasures

Get the hidden treasures in the temple of the Inca