Games treasures

(22 games) - page 2 -

free game The Aztec Treasure Andy The Aztec Treasure Andy

games > treasures

Travel through the Aztec labyrinth collecting coins and dodging obstacles.

free game A single button A single button

games > treasures

Find a way to the chest using boxes to pass rivers and a single shot to kill the guards.

free game Lost inca prophecy Lost inca prophecy

games > treasures

Get the hidden treasures in the temple of the Inca

free game Treasure Island Treasure Island

games > treasures

On a hidden map you must find the treasure by following the arrows

free game Find the Coin Find the Coin

games > treasures

Take the tour while collecting as many coins and bananas as you can.

free game Fortune Hunter Fortune Hunter

games > treasures

A classic solitaire set in pirate treasures